The Australian Federal Government
offers a number of production attraction
incentive programs
Provides the equivalent of a maximum 40% rebate of Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure (QAPE).
Administered as a grant offering a maximum of 13.5% of QAPE
which can be combined with the existing 16.5% Location Offset.
Eligibility criteria for the Location Offset applies.
Feature films and television must have minimum spend of AUD $15M
of QAPE.
Television series also require average QAPE of AUD$1M per hour.
In addition, support from relevant state or territory governments
must be secured and the services of one or more Australian post,
digital or visual effects providers must be utilised.
Provides a rebate of 40% of Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure (QAPE).
Significant Australian Content (SAC) Test applies.
Applies to feature films including theatrical documentaries, animation and IMAX that have a minimum QAPE of AUD$500,000.
Distribution must include release in commercial cinemas.
Provides a rebate of 30% of qualifying Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) production expenditure.
The production must have a total PDV related QAPE of at least AUD$500,000.
Eligible formats can include feature films, telemovies, mini-series
or series.
Distribution can include television broadcast, online distribution,
direct-to-video or direct-to-DVD.
The production does not need to be filmed in Australia.
Provides a rebate of 20% of Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure (QAPE).
Significant Australian Content (SAC) Test applies.
Eligible formats include TV drama, documentary and animation.
Distribution can include television broadcast, online distribution,
direct-to-video or direct-to-DVD.
Provides a rebate of 16.5% calculated on Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure (QAPE).
Feature films and television must have minimum spend of AUD $15M
of QAPE.
Television series also require average QAPE of AUD$1M per hour.
Eligible formats can include feature films, telemovies, mini-series
or series.
Distribution can include television broadcast, online distribution,
direct-to-video or direct-to-DVD.
Official co-productions are automatically eligible for the Producer Offset.
Australia currently has treaties in force with the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Ireland, Israel, Germany, Korea, South Africa, Singapore and China, and Memorandum of Understanding with France and New Zealand.